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This episode is brought to you by my annoyance over Caitlin Clark’s paycheck. Plus - West Virginia has overturned a trans sports ban, the Mayorkas articles of impeachment are in the Senate, the Supreme Court has thoughts on the January 6th rioters, the election continues not to have been stolen, and we’ve got some Trump jurors.

You can find the transcript here, and links are below:

Caitlin Clark’s Paycheck - via NBC News and VOX; West Virginia Trans Ban Banned - via ABC News; Mayorkas Impeachment Heads to Senate - via CBS News; SCOTUS & Jan 6TH - via NPR; The Election Continues to Not Have Been Stolen - via CNN; Trump Jurors - via AP News

As always, you can find me on Instagram/Twitter @kimmoffat and TikTok @kimmoffatishere

Kim Moffat