That’s the 1st Amendment, Baybee


There is an update on the deadly North Carolina shooting, while the age of suggested breast cancer screenings has been lowered, the Los Angeles Metro train was in an accident, campus protests are continuing all around the country, the Biden administration wants to reclassify marijuana, and of course… Trump Crime Update Time.

You can find the transcript here, and links are below:

Update: North Carolina Police Shooting - via AP News; Breast Cancer Screening Age Lowered  -via NPR; Los Angeles Metro Collision - via ABC News; Campus Protests - via CNN; Reclassifying Marijuana - via NBC News; Trump Crime Update Time - via CNN and AP News

As always, you can find me on Instagram/Twitter @kimmoffat and TikTok @kimmoffatishere


Hermione Was the Best One in That Trio


We’re Oceanside!