Lots of Bing Bongs and Bunkuses


In addition to news about Monday’s explosion in Virginia, Trump’s NY civil trial included a video element, the Senate is setting records (in a bad way), Tommy Tuberville is abhorrent, and Marjorie Taylor Green loves (but does not understand) the 27th Amendment.

You can find the transcript here, and links are below:

Explosion in Virginia - via AP News; Trump’s Civil Trial ­- via AP News; Veep Makes Tie-Breaking History - via CNN; Tuberville Forced to Do the Right Thing - via NY Times and Vanity Fair; MTJ v SCOTUS - via Axios

As always, you can find me on Instagram/Twitter @kimmoffat and TikTok @kimmoffatishere


The Cackle Heard ‘Round the World


Traffic and Weather on the 10s And 2s