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News Podcast Feed

Congressional Fan Fiction


Starting with the sad news that North Dakota State Senator Doug Larsen, as well as his wife and two small children, died Sunday evening. Then, in a day of nonstop news - Charlotte Sena has been found, Covid vaccine scientists get the Nobel prize, Pope Francis hints at same-sex marriage blessings, the 411 on our new soon-to-be-Senator, Trump Crime Update Time, Matt Gaetz continues to be a joke, and the Supreme Court is back. Packed show!

You can find the transcript here, and links are below:

ND State Senator Killed in Plane Crash - via CBS News; Search for Missing Nine-Year-Old - via NBC News and CNN; Nobel Prize for Covid Vaccine - via AP News; Pope Francis Is an Ally - via CNN; Meet Your New Senator - via NY Times; Trump Crime Update Time - via AP News; Matt Gaetz Attempts to Oust McCarthy - via Washington Post and Twitter; SCOTUS is Back - via NBC News

As always, you can find me on Instagram/Twitter @kimmoffat and TikTok @kimmoffatishere

Kim Moffat