@KimMoffat (Instagram/Twitter) @KimMoffatIsHere (TikTok)

News Podcast Feed

The Home Planet of Kal-El


An update on the raid in a local Kansas newsroom, George Santos’ former campaign fundraiser has been indicted (of crimes, and also - of sending embarrassing letters), an appeals court ruling on the abortion pill, an update on the Maui fires, and… Trump Crime Update Time.

You can find the transcript here, and links are below:

Kansas Newsroom Raided - via AP News; Classic George Santos - via NBC News; Abortion Pill Ruling - via Reuters; Maui Update - via CBS News; Trump Crime Update Time - via NY Times and CNN

How to help Maui - Maui Food Bank // Maui United Way // Hawai’i Community Foundation

As always, you can find me on Instagram/Twitter @kimmoffat and TikTok @kimmoffatishere

Kim Moffat