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Is It Too Soon to Whisper 2020?


Biden has announced his re-election campaign; The Proud Boys are going to pass the Jan 6th blame to Trump; Don Lemon & Tucker Carlson have hired the same lawyer (but also – who cares?); The 2021 Kabul airport suicide bomber has been killed­; Harry Belafonte has died.

You can find the transcript here, and links are below:

Biden Announces Re-Election Campaign - via AP News; Proud Boys Pass the Blame to Trump - via Politico; Lemon & Tucker Update (But Also – Who Cares?) - via NY Times; Suicide Bomber Killed ­ -via AP News; Harry Belafonte - via NY Times

As always, you can find me on Instagram/Twitter @kimmoffat and TikTok @kimmoffatishere

Kim Moffat